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Best Practices Training

Energy Industries of Ohio, under contract to the Ohio Energy Office and the Industrial Technology Program of the US Department of Energy has been working with the DOE’s Industries of the Future Program and Industrial Energy Efficiency efforts over the past seven years.

Part of this effort involves hosting DOE's BestPractices training sessions across the State of Ohio. Most recently sessions were conducted on the “Compressed Air Challenge” (pictured on the left), in cooperation with B.W. Rogers Company and the Parker Hannifin Corporation. This session was conducted at Parker’s World Headquarters in Mayfield Heights, Ohio in early May and had over 35 participants.

Motor Systems was the subject of the training conducted for Owens Corning at their Training Facility in Granville, Ohio. Twenty Owens Corning engineers and managers from across the country participated in this program conducted by DOE Certified Instructor Ron Wroblewski.

Later in the year, EIO hosted a three-day seminar for PHAST Qualified Specialists at Case Western Reserve University. This program is a step beyond the one day training session and looks to qualify DOE certified “Specialists” who then can then employ DOE’s “Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool” across the nation in identifying energy efficiency opportunities at companies using heated equipment.

More information on these programs can be found at:

Mr. Lawrence Boyd, Director of Core Programs welcomes participants in the Compressed Air Challenge Course held at Parker Hannifin's Headquarters in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, in May.
CAC Challenge Instructor Chris Beals of Air System Management, Inc. makes a point on Calculating Energy Costs in Compressed Air Systems
Participants in the training session listen intently to the information being presented.